Illustration, Art Journals, Photography, and anything that moves me!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

"What a big hat you have, is it wool?"

Is it a wool hat you ask? I've always been alergic to wool. I itch like crazy when I even go near it. I've never been able to wear wool sweaters, wool socks, or even cashmere. Oh the beauty of cashmere. Nope, I'm strictly a cotton girl.


Mega said...

But I bet you've saved alot of money from shopping.

katie said...

okay, i think i'm going to have a permanent grin stuck to my face after seeing this one - love it! and the fabric mini quilts too - yay for polka dots.

Barbara said...

I love your works and I am always inspirated.Thank you

Barbara said...

Sorry, but I cannot open your e-mail. My computer tells me : Do not open this e-mail . Can you try it again? Thanks! Grates Barbara

Tara's Art Camp said...

I got one of those in my email yesterday, weird, huh?

I just said thanks for visiting my blog.