People always ask me, why did you draw this, paint this? What are your thoughts? I wish I could say that I carefully planned each painting out, but that never happens. I sometimes have a direction that I want to go but that changes the minute I start the painting. For instance, I knew the colors I wanted to create in this piece, and I thought I would make my houses. But after the background paint went on, I immediatly drew "souls". (as I call them),,,,,,and why four of them? I don't know, they just seem to fit on the painting better that way.
So,,, then I think why did I paint these instead of houses, I'm not sure, but the answer is, is that I just "go with the flow". My paintings are in control of me, I'm never in control of them. I like it that way. So, my advise is to open yourself up, see what happens!